New Yorkers Living with Mental Health Concerns Want Self Directed Care!
Join a growing coalition of providers of mental health care, supported housing, and social services, as well as directly impacted citizens in demanding Self Directed Care be made available through Medicaid to New Yorkers statewide.
View Our List of Supporters
Supportive Housing Network of New York Fountain House NYAPRS – New York Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services NAMI NYC - National Alliance on Mental Illness of New York City, Inc. Community Access, Inc. Independent Living Goddard Riverside Hands Across Long Island, Inc. (HALI) St Joseph's Medical Center NYC Justice Peer Initiative CASES NAMI Orange County NY Behavioral Health Services North, Inc. Human Services Research Institute Housing Works Urban Justice Center Mental Health Project Association for Mental Health and Wellness Recovery Now, LLC Chacku Mathai Consulting Mohawk Opportunities Inc. Housing and Services Inc. WIN Women In Need Unity House of Cayuga County Inc Urban Pathways
What is Self Directed Care?
Self-Directed Care is about increasing self-determination, choice, and access.
It’s based on the idea that people are experts in their lives and should determine their own recovery pathways. With Self-Directed Care, people use public funds to purchase goods and services or hire service providers. All purchases are linked to specific recovery goals set by the person with support from a specially trained Resource Consultant.
Since 2017, New York State has been implementing Mental Health Self-Directed Care (SDC) using NYS Office of Mental Health funds. It is being piloted as part of a Medicaid 1115 Waiver Demonstration, which is designed to help states test new approaches to service delivery for people on Medicaid. Two pilot sites, at Community Access in New York City, and Independent Living in Newburgh, are providing Self Directed Care about 200 participants who are required to be HARP enrolled. The pilot participants work with Resource Consultants on identifying wellness and recovery goals and developing an associated budget which is approved by a program-based Fiscal Intermediary. The NYS OMH provides training, support, and monitoring for the authorization and purchasing of goods and services.
Two independent studies of the pilot have been conducted with positive and optimistic results, by HSRI and RAND
Want to learn more about Self Directed Care? Please see this website, for more details about SDC projects around the country, and for links to all the latest research.

As of 3/31/2023 – 2816 wellness goals met by 219 people.
Jody — Comedy Performance Classes, Music Classes, Gym Membership, DBT Therapy
“Before Self-Direction, no one listened to what “I” thought I needed to feel better and being voiceless in my own care only perpetuated the idea that I was somehow broken, unlovable and even untrustworthy with my own life. My opinions and my voice, as to what will make me feel better, are being treated as VALID now –by people other than myself –and it’s really empowering, and it’s working.”
Shamika — Self Defense, Personal Training, Swimming Lessons
“The people at Self-Direction caused me to think critically about what I needed to get better; then, they helped me organize and bring to fruition wellness goals, that I thought I would never reach in my lifetime, and they did it in a jiffy. Recent therapy had me stuck in my past, but Self-Direction has helped me to concentrate on my present and future. They are introducing me to new experiences and people, as well as opportunities that were closed off to me my whole life.”
Jose — Art Classes, Gym, Acupuncture, Culinary Classes
“Self direction has and will continue to help me recover from illness. Since receiving aid from self directionI have felt a great weight off my shoulders and a brighter step in my future! I am looking at the world in a positive way since self direction entered my life!!”.
Michael — Photography Career Development, Acupuncture, Yoga, Pet Adoption, Writing Classes
“It was so great and spiritually rewarding to take pictures again. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I can grow my portfolio and can go after work without fear…”
Vanessa – study tools for college courses
“I love that I was finally able to get the courage to not only go after and get my GED online during Covid but now I’m in college fulfilling my education goal. I always wanted to go to college but it was never something I saw happening, Self-Direction made it a reality. This program has given me strength I didn’t know I had, resources, support and most of all courage to believe in me and my dreams.”
BilliJo – study tools for GED
“No one really pays attention to me, but because of this program and my broker, she listens to me, she cares about me and this program has helped me in so many ways and I am so grateful. I want to get my GED and go to college, I want to become a nurse or maybe a CNA. Self-Direction helped me get my computer and my supplies for class I’m so happy. I want to have a better life and I want to be heard.”
Our goal is to raise awareness of Self Directed Care as one of the most promising and progressive ways to address the social determinants of health, while increasing self-determination, satisfaction and engagement in care.
Sign up to say "Yes we want Self Direction for our community” and receive updates on the latest developments.